Friday, January 2, 2009

Favorite Moment

These are important photos. After my dad's accident doctors gave my mom a list of possible problems he could have for the rest of his life. She was told, among other things, he may never speak or be able to care for himself. Here he is playing Sleigh Ride with my mom, a duet they played together when they were dating and still play together once a year. This is the first time since the accident that I have heard them play it.


Sassy Grammy Tammy said...

Jen, your Dad is a very special man, loved by many. If a person ever doubts that there are miracles, all you have to do is look at this great man and see how far he has come and the obstacles that he has overcome. Awesome!

Janelle said...

That was a good moment. Why can't we play that well? Oh maybe the kicking and screaming when it was time to practice has something to do with it.