Exhibit A
I really should be updating this blog, but instead I am checking all of your blogs to see if you've updated. I have a lot to catch up on, it being the holidays and all, but I'm out of energy today so I give you this by Jason:
A Lesson Learned (See Exhibit A): It snowed earlier this week and I had told the girls that we’d play in the snow as I shoveled the driveway. I’d found Millie’s snow pants but I couldn’t find some to fit Laney and, knowing that everything comes in two these days to satisfy them both, I decided that I needed a creative solution to the problem. Grabbing the plastic wrap I proceeded to wrap the pieces and fasten them to Laney’s legs and lower torso with tape. It was a success and I laughed my ass off at how much of a redneck I was. We had fun in the snow and Laney kept dry despite her spastic snow angels. Well, Jenny comes home and I’m telling her what I did and “how silly is that” and I’m doing something as she goes downstairs. Within minutes she brought up a bag with mittens and gloves and snow pants. Lesson: know when to get creative and when to use what’s already there.