Friday, April 24, 2009

Field Trip

Last week I chaperoned a field trip to Red Butte Gardens. It should have been awesome, but it wasn't. Nope, not at all. I was in charge of a very sweet group of 5 girls. We decided our collective field trip name would be Girl Train because we held hands so we were a train of girls. Brilliant, yes? OK , that part was awesome. The not so awesome part commenced when we were introduced to our guide, B, she was O-L-D. I have nothing against old, but come on, these are kindergartners. They need someone with energy; someone who can talk above a whisper; someone who walks, not shuffles and that someone was not B.

B told us about poisonous plants and poisonous snakes. She pointed out the Children's Garden. In fact, she paraded us right past it, but told the children, "No, you can't go in there today. It takes too long and it's too cold." Then she herded us back to the Visitor Center to color pictures of daffodils. In the meantime, the rest of the class not in our group was laughing and cavorting in the garden. We heard tale of a pond with stepping stones, but we cannot confirm that such a thing exists because we had coloring to do. Indoors.

And that photo of Millie above? I'm pretty sure that tree is poisonous and there's a Rattler hiding right behind it.


Janelle said...

You should have locked the old lady in the bathroom and ran with the girl train for freedom!!!

Be Like the Squirrel, Girl said...

What?! I'm outraged.

Sheree said...

tee-hee. I so wanted this story to end with a mutiny. B was O-L-D, I'm sure 5 kindergarteners and a spritely, um, 29 yr old could've taken her.

Sassy Grammy Tammy said...


AKA Jaymi said...

I think I see a rattler peeking out. He seems to be attached to B's neck - Oh, darn!