Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Great News!

I mean truly stupendous news: Parsley is home safe and sound and my faith in humanity is restored. P-Dog was missing for 8 days. We did everything we could think of doing to find her, including enlisting the services of the good folks at findtoto.com (check out their website for more info). Late this morning I got a phone call from a Spanish speaking lady who had her 4 year old son interpret for her. Parsley wandered into her yard on 1300 S 700 W, about 2.5 miles from home. The wonderful lady called our number on P-Dog's tags. About 20 minutes later we were joyfully reunited. P-Dog is tired and she has lost about 5 pounds and did I mention she's tired? We took her to the vet this afternoon to have her checked out and she's fine. Right now I really wish she could tell us about her adventures on the west side while I pet her belly. But I'll settle for just petting her belly.


Terry Lacy said...

Oh, thank goodness. I was fretting.

w. wilson said...

Hooray for Parsley!

tim said...


Millie and I called each other excitedly after getting the text. So happy for the McD's, who are whole again

Janelle said...

Maybe she had a Lady and the Tramp experience. The long lost love may show up on your porch some day.

sarah said...